Business mentoring

1:1 support for small business owners, entrepreneurs and CEOs.

A suite of offerings to combine purpose, profit and positive impact.

My style of business mentoring is equal parts self discovery and strategic action.

It’s for those who want to weave their personal journey, values and goals
together with financial sustainability and long-term strategy.

If you are looking for a business coach or mentor in Melbourne, Castlemaine, Daylesford or online, there are a number of ways you can work with me one-on-one; whether it be in an Intro Session, ongoing Mentorship, an Impact Workshop or through the deep dive Business as Soulwork program. 

If you are looking for a Straight Up Strategy or if you have an impact project you would like to talk about, take a look here

Work With Me

Details on each offering are outlined further below. Click through for Business as Soulwork.

Intro Session

For clarity and strategic support with an idea, life transition or project. Combines business for good and personal development.


Ongoing support for small business owners and solopreneurs. Four coaching sessions to achieve personal and professional goals.

Impact Workshop

Define the impact you want your business to contribute to through this two hour workshop. Harness your business as a force for good.

Business as Soulwork

An intimate deep dive over six months that fuses personal and business growth. Deeper than finding purpose, this explores the soul’s journey.


Intro Session

1:1 business coaching for clarity or strategic support with an idea, life transition or project.

This one-off session combines self-reflection, brainstorming and action where we:

  1. Define your needs, objectives and goals;

  2. Zoom out for a big-picture (strategic) perspective; then

  3. Come back into the details to create a plan with accountability. 

Based on your intention for the session, Lucy will send some warm up questions for consideration in the lead up to meeting. Notes and next steps will be shared within a week of the session.

These sessions are designed for you to bring questions, challenges, ideas and/or exciting opportunities. For example, you may:

  • Have an idea, program or project you want to bring to life but you’re not sure where to start

  • Have an existing business and are looking for more structure and strategy

  • Want to learn specific skills relating to running a business or being a leader

  • Feel ready to be seen in the world, and want guidance for your inner journey

  • Need a sounding board and a keen listener to help untangle some thoughts

You may arrive really clear on what you want to get out of the session, in which case we can work towards the outcome(s). You are also welcome to arrive with lots of questions and an openness to explore the unknown – you certainly don’t need to have everything/anything ‘figured out’, we can find that clarity together.

$300 for a 1 hour session. Online only, prepayment required.

Fill out the new client interest form to start the booking process.

I came into the session with Lucy having an idea of where I wanted to be but feeling stuck on how to get there.

Lucy listened, guided, shared and sat with me and my thoughts. She helped me identify which fears were valid and interrogate which might be constructs, and created a space of trust, calm and confidence.

I came away from our session feeling motivated and understood with tangible goals to work towards, and have been building on them ever since!

– Isabella, lawyer and writer


This mentorship offers ongoing 1:1 support for small business owners and solopreneurs to support you on a journey of growth and change.

Over four x one hour sessions, you receive the strategy, structure and accountability to help you define and reach your desired outcomes in your life and business.

Knowing that running a small business often means the personal and professional are intertwined, this is a holistic approach where together we explore the balance between purpose, profit and the planet that feels right for you.

Each mentorship is customised according to the clients desired outcomes, however the sessions generally follow this four stages:

Session 1: Big picture: strategic frameworks, create the context for stage of life and business.

Session 2: Practical next steps: exploring behaviour changes and building accountability.

Session 3: Developing systems: frameworks, processes and delving into the strategic details.

Session 4: Planning and sustainability: refining, reflecting and fine-tuning the systems already in place.

$1,000 for four x one hour sessions. Prepayment required, with payment plans available.

Get in touch for a 15 minute phone call, or fill out the new client interest form to start the booking process.

“I really enjoyed my time with Lucy, I found it incredibly helpful and very validating. I’ve been able to carry on the momentum from our meetings and begin to rebrand my business and go in a new direction! 

Our chats gave me a lot of confidence that my goals were worth spending time fleshing out, and I’m working on some of the things we planned together.

Lucy brings warm and genuine energy and attention to her sessions, listening intently and giving really helpful feedback and advice, I left feeling like I had had an hour of business therapy! Very cathartic and left me with more clarity about the future and what matters to me and my business.”

– Small Business Owner

Impact Workshop

Harness your business as a force for good by defining the social and environmental impact you want to contribute to.

This is a two hour session for both brainstorming and strategy where we:

  1. Map out impact ideas, interests and social good intentions (creative ideation);

  2. Check in with the capacity of the business, and how the ideas might integrate into different areas or activities; then

  3. Identify the idea(s) you want to begin with, and we create a plan for implementation.

Based on your intention for the workshop, Lucy will send some warm up questions for consideration in the lead up to meeting. Notes and next steps will be shared within a week of the session.

Price varies depending on the size of your organisation and the amount of people involved.

Get in touch for a 15 minute phone call, or fill out the new client interest form to start the booking process.

“Thank you Lucy, for listening and allowing me to share my visions for the expansion of my business. 

The space you have created felt comfortable and inviting which put me at ease to feel open and safe to share with you. Honestly I greatly appreciated the experience and felt far more empowered leaving than before I walked in.

Your feedback was delivered in a very caring and thoughtful manner, you came up with some great ideas to follow up on, which I found to be intuitively insightful and feel will be valuable in the future once implemented.

Without hesitation I highly recommend Lucy. Lucy is knowledgeable, caring and compassionate towards assisting you on the path to success.”

– Troy, Designer

“You do not invent a higher purpose; it already exists. You can discover it through empathy—by feeling and understanding the deepest common needs... That involves asking provocative questions, listening, and reflecting.”
Harvard Business Review